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Why “Truth 4 Everyday”?

Well if you are like me, you are a sinner.

Furthermore, if you are like me, you don’t particularly like being a sinner, and you want to stop.

And let’s just be clear, if you are a Christian, you are like me.

It ain’t easy being in this world with sin all-around, not to mention, still living in a sinful case (known as a body) that doesn’t mind sinning itself. It’s a daily battle to live right, think right, talk right, and act right… but this is the call of a Christian – to pursue righteousness.

Like Paul reminds us in Romans 6:19:

“For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification.”

This simply means we once lived for ourselves during our pre-Christian days, but now we are to throw ourselves into holy living. Admittedly, this is hard work. Sometimes we need encouragement, sometimes we need to be pushed and challenged, and we always need God’s word.

So here you will find some prodding related to issues we face as women, inspired by God’s word, for people like me. 

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